Bite the Lemon and Boost your Productivity Daily (Our most popular post of 2015)
[fa icon="calendar'] 2/19/16 11:40 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All, Leadership Matters
Keeping Your Training Programs Fresh and Engaging (even on the 20th delivery)
[fa icon="calendar'] 2/5/16 9:39 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Organizational &Talent Development, Trainers and Facilitators
I keep this quote on my office wall.
"When learning about life and people, make no more assumptions than are absolutely necessary. Ask and observe." William of Ockham, 1324
Over the years it reminded me time and time again, that no matter how prepared I can be to teach a specific topic, the most important component of that training is unknown until the class begins: the audience.
It's too easy to forget this when trainers and facilitators have been teaching a topic for a long time or leaders have become expert in their presentation material. Once we forget this simple rule, the lecture begins. Or, we roll out the same tired questions, expecting the same answers and we are fully prepared to respond to them, even before the question is complete. It is the stuff of deteriorating results in the classroom, and it can be deadly for our most seasoned trainers (myself included).
So, here are three tactics for keeping it fresh and different every time, based on who's in the room.
Revisiting Vulnerability and Shame in Leadership
[fa icon="calendar'] 1/15/16 11:38 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in All About Teams, Leadership Matters, HR Executives
As 2016, kicks into full gear, I find myself trying to better understand the barriers that challenge me the most in achieving a wholehearted lifestyle. So I cycled back to the wisdom of Brene Brown and her virally-sensational TedTalk of 2010. It resonates as much today as it did then and I hope you'll take a minute to consider my favorite quotes and how they might apply to you (below) or even revisit the video yourself. (Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | TED Talk |
Day 20: Do You Know Where Your Resolution Is?
[fa icon="calendar'] 1/6/16 1:18 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All
I've seen a multitude of blogs and articles citing this statistic “the average duration of a New Year’s resolution is 19 days.” The gist of most of these articles is that we should take the stat as a sign that resolutions are a waste of our time. I disagree. I think if you make a list of the most successful people you know and compared them to everyone else, you would find one critical difference. Follow-through.
We all have great ideas. We all have things that get us excited and make us feel a passion that we don't feel about other topics. But most of us stop short for a handful of key reasons:
- We lack confidence.
- We fear failure.
- We get overwhelmed.
- We lack focus.
- We are shooting for balance.
- We feel incompetent.
So what's the answer?
Getting Better Control of Your Technology
[fa icon="calendar'] 11/11/15 11:17 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Organizational &Talent Development, Productivity for All, HR Executives
In last year's Forbes article, "How To Get Even More From Your Technology: Turn It Off", Kevin Ready makes the case that in order to overcome the evils of our technology, we should walk away or turn it off.
He's not wrong about the evils, and occasionally walking away or turning it off creates a much needed techno-break. However, I believe there's a far more valuable answer: Get control of your technology!
Don't let it overwhelm and distract you. With a few rules for wrestling it under control and modifying your behavior, your tools can be useful and productive, not your enemy.
At Priority Management Associates, we teach people to take the following approach:
Assess it - Learn it - Control it - Work it
August Survey Results - Vacation Time
[fa icon="calendar'] 9/4/15 12:02 PM / by Dorinda Beck posted in Productivity for All
"Last month we asked "Do you use all of your allotted vacation?"
Feeling Stuck Today? Here's 5 Ways to Get Unstuck Fast
[fa icon="calendar'] 7/13/15 5:34 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All, Leadership Matters
I recently heard syndicated radio host, Mel Robbins, report that one-third of Americans feel "stuck" on a regular basis. In my experience, feeling stuck is usually connected to these thought patterns:
Vulnerability in Management and Leadership
[fa icon="calendar'] 5/20/15 8:50 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in All About Teams, Leadership Matters
I recently found myself having one coaching session after another with front line managers and team leaders on the virtues of being more vulnerable with their team and colleagues. It seems that this is one of the leadership qualities we miss in our supervisory onboarding efforts. They get stuck trying to be more authoritative and show everyone why they are now the manager. Some feel compelled to know everything and cover up mistakes with justifications. In their efforts, many end up alienating the very people who once believed they would make a good manager.
Engage Your Team with “Mind-Blowing” Customer Service
[fa icon="calendar'] 4/22/15 4:28 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Organizational &Talent Development, All About Teams, Leadership Matters, HR Executives
Listening to customers and delivering truly “mind-blowing” service can be a very effective way to engage your team . The following anecdote has been relayed countless times as a story of great customer service, but the untold story is the one of how a phenomenal team mobilized to make it happen.
Bite the Lemon and Boost your Productivity Daily
[fa icon="calendar'] 3/18/15 5:02 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All, Leadership Matters