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Gene Venuto

Gene Venuto, Senior Partner of Priority Management Associates (PMA), is a recognized speaker, facilitator, and executive coach. Gene’s unique ability to make connections and build relationships produces engaging, entertaining, and informative programs. An expert in the fields of productivity and communication, his techniques allow people to balance multiple tasks and commitments, improve their planning processes, enhance team collaboration, and reduce conflict. Gene’s distinctive knowledge and insight led to the design of results-driven corporate universities for clients in the fields of healthcare, life sciences, financial services, education, and philanthropy. His global client base includes executives of Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders, and he frequently appears as a guest lecturer at Arizona State University’s School of Arts Media and Engineering. Gene’s undergraduate degree in Biology is from Dickinson College and he went on to the University of Pennsylvania where he focused on the biological basis of behavior, brain chemistry, and anatomy. These interests combined with studies in social psychology serve his training and executive coaching clients particularly well. With his business partner of nearly thirty years, Deb Cullerton, Gene, and the PMA Team are committed to creating sustainable behavior changes that grow your organization.

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Overcoming the "No Time for Training" Objection: Strategies That Work

[fa icon="calendar'] 10/14/24 12:21 PM / by Gene Venuto posted in Organizational &Talent Development, Trainers and Facilitators, HR Executives

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If you’ve ever heard the phrase, "I just don’t have time for training" you are not alone. It’s a common objection from busy professionals who are juggling countless responsibilities along with an endless stream of shifting priorities. But here’s the thing—when training is done right, people will not only find the time for it, they will actually look forward to it.

Let’s explore why this objection comes up and how you can help your colleagues overcome it.

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