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Deb Cullerton

Managing Partner at PMA and passionate about developing leaders

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Coaching for Transformation not Transfer

[fa icon="calendar'] 11/26/19 1:00 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Organizational &Talent Development, All About Teams, Leadership Matters, HR Executives, Change Happens

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It happens all the time.  Two people are using a word and believe they are aligned on its definition, but their different interpretations lead to big misses in execution.  When this happens with a common word like coaching, the results fall short and leave people scratching their head.  I was recently in New York teaching a Coaching for Peak Performance class with a group of front-line managers.

"How many of you actively coach your team members?"  (80% of the hands went up)

"How many of you coach both proactively for development and reactively for "just-in-time" learning?" (60% of the hands went up)

It didn't make sense to me.  I was missing something.  How could they be coaching and still not getting the results? 

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6 Ways to Scale Up Your Team Capacity

[fa icon="calendar'] 9/10/19 7:58 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Organizational &Talent Development, Productivity for All, All About Teams, Leadership Matters, HR Executives

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Automate your repetitive processes.

Identifying all repetitive tasks in a process is a great way to quickly surface opportunities for automation.

Consider templates, checklists and rules in Outlook, Gmail, OneNote, Keep and other applications as a non-programmers option for automating. With increases in communications, an automated process for client contacts can save a team a bunch of time. Scheduling applications like Fullslate, AppointmentPlus, Acuity, TimeTap and Bookings (free in MS 365) can save everyone on the team countless hours playing phone tag and emailing people with new appointment options when you work with external clients or vendors whose schedules you can't see.

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Stop Working So Much!

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/8/19 6:50 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All

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It's in my blood!  I grew up in a family that rewarded it.  For many years I believed it was responsible for everything good in my life.  I have always put it in my top 3 values and traits.  And, I now believe (and it kills me to say so) that I was wrong.  In fact, it may be my biggest limitation in achieving both my professional and personal goals.  While I have spent years jumping in and working more and harder when things get dicey, I realized now that this hard work ethic has, at times, caused me to:

  • Make the wrong prioritizing decisions at times when my health, my family life and my spiritual needs were on the line.
  • Become judgmental when others chose differently.
  • Measure "hours in play" instead of results.
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Is the "People Stuff" Getting You Down?

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/19/19 7:25 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All, All About Teams, Leadership Matters

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I was coaching a client last week and asked about his progress since he went to our WorkingSm@rt class.   He said, "Well, I'm more organized and more focused but I haven't solved the one issue that takes up more time than almost anything else -- the people stuff!”.

I knew he was saying it tongue in cheek, but he winced a little as he said it and I knew there was more truth there than he was comfortable with.  I wish I could say it was the first time I've heard this complaint, but it's not.  It's impossible to focus on people's productivity without consistently running into the challenging people issues that can take up significant chunks of our day.

 So, without ado, I thought I’d outline three people areas that waste significant time in our workplaces with a few solutions that can make a significant impact:

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Finding TIME to Achieve Your Goals

[fa icon="calendar'] 1/16/19 8:59 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All

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In LEAN Six Sigma, there is an acronym for 8 different forms of operational waste called DOWNTIME (defects, overproduction, waiting, not utilizing staff talent, travel, inventory, motion, excess processing). This has me thinking about my own time this month as we head into the new year with big audacious (maybe not hairy) goals.  Where will the time to make these things happen actually come from?

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There is no Q5:  5 ways to take control of your 2018 results before it's too late

[fa icon="calendar'] 12/6/18 3:37 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All

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There is no Q5!  I saw this headline on something this morning and I almost spit out my coffee.  It's obviously true but I know many people who keep waiting for that magical time.  You know the time that they finally jump on the work necessary to achieve their 2018 goals.  And the thought of this year quickly fading into the past will come as a real surprise and painful reality.  So, if this rings true, don't let the last 3 weeks slip away on you.  Here are 5 ways you can not only end 2018 on a high note, but also start 2019 with some amazing momentum:


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Be an Advocate for Change

[fa icon="calendar'] 9/14/18 3:48 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Change Happens

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It's not always easy for managers to know what their role is during changes.  Here are two big ones.

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5 Ways to Re-energize by

[fa icon="calendar'] 2/15/18 10:40 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Organizational &Talent Development, Productivity for All, Leadership Matters

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Focus on Results, Not Tasks

In order to change results, you have to focus on the right things. Thinking about your day as a bunch of to-do's will get you nowhere fast. Instead, drive your day by the objectives. What are the results you are trying to accomplish and is there a direct correlation to the way you are spending your time? If your tasks don't roll up to a specific objective, seriously question their value.  And if they do, prioritize and work the most important one first.  


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The Struggle for Focus and 3 Ways to Improve It

[fa icon="calendar'] 8/7/17 3:36 PM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All

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This morning I didn't follow my own rules and here's what happened:

7:00 Start pc

7:01 Dive right into email

7:03 Open email with fun blog title for website company

7:05 Peruse their website

7:07 Link to someone they like in neuroscience (a field that's like crack for me)

7:10 Read everything the neuroscientist has ever written on the web

7:40 Consider 3 new business ideas; discard all of them

7:50 Decide to go to twitter to link with the neuroscientist

8:12 Wake up from a twitter-induced fog to realize I have lost the first FREAKING HOUR of my day!!!


 How many times has this happened to you?

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Double Down or Fold?

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/16/16 10:40 AM / by Deb Cullerton posted in Productivity for All

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So the 1st quarter is almost over and your motivation for the new year’s resolutions and healthy changes is wearing a little thin.  The stresses of winter and normalcy have crept back into your life.  Ok well that’s what’s happening to me anyway and I’m hoping I’m not the only one.

The vast majority of resolutions have gone by the wayside for everyone else, but not for us my friends!  It’s time to double down with a few strategies to re-energize and re-motivate:

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