PMA Blog

Be an Advocate for Change

Written by Deb Cullerton | 9/14/18 7:48 PM

It's not always easy for managers to know what their role is during changes.  Here are two big ones.

Be a role model and an advocate for changes. 

Even when you have not been actively involved in planning the change, it's your role to dig in and figure out how to advocate with others for the change.  As a leader, people will be watching and listening to see how you respond to the change and will often follow your lead. 

But what if you don't agree with the change?

Then it's even more important that you don't play a passive role.  You have the opportunity to ask for the information about why the change is necessary and really investigate in order to convince yourself.  In doing that, you'll often find exactly the information that others are missing too.  Or you'll point out an important barrier that may have been overlooked and help the change sponsor make adjustments.  It takes courage to be that leader, but be that leader and your credibility will soar with your team and others!